Congratulations to all of this year's winners! Thank you to all of our event sponsors and to everyone who came out to celebrate the honorees, scholarship winners and to support the Chamber Foundation.
A-Tool Shed was Business of the Year in 1998, the second year this award was added. They've always been and continue to be an incredible asset to the community, which is why they're up for this honor again.
Ben's Barketplace is a woman-owned business with the mission to care for our furry family members, providing healthy pet food and personalized nutrition consultants to ensure your pet gets the proper diet to meet their needs.
Darling Fischer has been an essential part of Campbell since 1953, helping families honor and celebrate the lives of loved ones. They sponsor the Great Race, the Heritage Theater, and the Campbell Community Toy Program.
Jason Baker played a pivotal role in shaping policies that benefit Campbell and Silicon Valley. Currently serving as Director of Government and Community Affairs for Caltrain, Jason has spent years working toward improving public transit, housing solutions, and local governance.
Anne Rose is an incredible asset to the Chamber and the Ambassador Team. She attends almost every event, welcomes new members, volunteers, and presents Renewing member certificates. She is also serving as Ambassador Chair.
Jan Telesky has been a dedicated and tireless volunteer. She "womans" the Volunteer Booth both days at Boogie and Oktoberfest, and is always willing to lend a hand at every Chamber event.
For most of its 57-year history, Celebrate Campbell has been a formal evening Fundraising Gala held each March and attracting over 250 attendees to share in celebrating the community and acknowledging Campbell’s outstanding individuals and businesses.
Celebrate Campbell honors the previous year’s Citizen-of-the-Year and Business-of-the-Year, as well as our Ambassador and Volunteer-of-the-Year. Many local service organization volunteers are also recognized at this very special event. The Campbell Mayor, City Council, civil servants, community leaders, local politicians and more are in attendance.
This event is designed to give credit to those who dedicate their time and donate their services for the betterment of our community. The Chamber has been honoring our community’s silent heroes for over 50 years! The Gala also serves as a fundraising event for the Campbell Community Foundation Scholarship Fund.
The Campbell ‘Interurban’ Press newspaper has a long history that dates back before the turn of the century. In January of 1911, Journalists Harry and Edna Smith decided to purchase the publication and shorten the name to ‘The Campbell Press.’ For over 129 years it continued all while going through ownership and name changes yet always remained the voice of our community. However, in 2019, it appeared it had closed its pages for good after being abandoned by the owner. In May of 2020, Chamber Director Ken Johnson approached Nancy Whitney, urging the need for it to continue.
Nancy then decided to reach out to Matthew Howe, son of local icon and Citizen of the Year Sally Howe. Sally wrote for the Campbell Press back in the 1970’s later owning the Campbell Express until her passing in 2015. Nancy and Matthew decided they could revive and refresh the newspaper during the pandemic, and in November 2020 they proudly printed their first publication. From the onset, they agreed the primary focus would always be about Campbell, informing citizens about up-coming events, helping promote local businesses, as well as sharing stories from community members and highlighting local dignitaries. This endeavor became a shared personal commitment in preserving the history of Campbell for both current and future generations. Nancy recently stated, “Being nominated as a finalist for the second consecutive year after only our third anniversary, is truly an honor. We thank all our columnists, subscribers, and advertisers for their unwavering support, for without them, this just wouldn’t be possible.”
The Campbell Chamber of Commerce has created a scholarship award for journalism
in honor of Sally Howe for her lifetime of publishing and devotion to our community.
Brooke opened Bombshell Boutique in 2006. “The relationships that I have made in almost 18 years of business have made a tremendous impact on my life”, says Brooke. She has also been fortunate enough to give back to the community by donating to local and large organizations for anti-bullying, domestic violence, school fundraisers, cancer research, and more.
Brooke began volunteering with the DCBA in 2007. She has served on the Board of Directors for 10 years, was President for 3 years, and is currently the Secretary. Brooke has been the head chair or involved in most of the DCBA events through the years, such as: First Friday, Second Saturday’s, Bunnies and Bonnets, Wine Walks, Creepy Crawly, Carol of Lights, Fashion Shows, and more.
She is proud to have volunteered alongside many wonderful organizations over the years, such as; the Campbell Chamber of Commerce for the Campbell Toy Program, West Valley Rotary Community Corps, The Home Church, and others.
You will often find Brooke’s daughter, Taylor, happily volunteering beside her. “She is my biggest accomplishment and my biggest supporter.” Brooke has also volunteered at Taylor’s school, Campbell Christian, since 2017 and serves on the school’s Parent Teacher Fellowship Board.
Brooke would like to express gratitude to her dad, Manny, her mom, Jo Ellen, her aunt MaryAnn, and partner Dominick for helping to contribute to her success.